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Interview with health activist Anjali Gopalan

May 2016

Anjali Gopalan

Founder and Executive Director of the Naz Foundation (India) Trust, a Delhi-based NGO dedicated to fighting HIV/AIDS.Anjali has been the recipient of many prestigious awards for her work and in 2012, Time magazine included Anjali on its list of the 100 most influential people in the world.

The lessons learnt in the 1990s from securing access to antiretroviral medicines to treat HIV and AIDS highlight the role of patients in demanding better access to life-saving medicines. As India, like many other growing economies, faces new, deadly diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart disease, Anjali Gopalan, founder of the Naz Foundation considers the challenges ahead for India’s health system and its citizens.

Anjali was interviewed by Ajoy Bose for Health Issues India www.healthissuesindia.com in May 2016.

Ajoy Bose

Television commentator, columnist and author Ajoy Bose has been working on public health issues in India for the past 15 years. As well as political reporting for the English language news channel, CNN News 18, Ajoy works with Hyderus as a consultant to explore the connections between pharma companies, NGOs, patient groups and other stakeholders in delivering public health in India.

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