The BJP has released its much-delayed manifesto on the day India began voting for a new government in the first of a nine-phase general election spread over 36 days.Some of the items on their agenda include the following:
Initiate the ‘National Health Assurance Mission’, with a clear mandate to provide universal healthcare
Modernise government hospitals, upgrading infrastructure and latest technologies.
Reorganise Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in order to converge various departments dealing in healthcare, food and nutrition and pharmaceuticals, for effective delivery of healthcare services.
Increase the number of medical and para-medical colleges to make India self sufficient in human resources, and set up an AIIMS like institute in every state.
School health program would be a major focus area, and health and hygiene will be made a part of the school curriculum.
Focus on rural health care delivery.
Universalisation of emergency medical services
Programme for Women Healthcare with emphasis on rural, SC, ST and OBC in a mission mode.
Poor hygiene and sanitation -ensure a ‘Swachh (clean) Bharat’ by Gandhiji’s 150th birth anniversary in 2019 and create an open defecation free India by awareness campaign and enabling people to build toilets in their home as well as in schools and public places.
-Make potable drinking water available to all thus reducing water-borne diseases, which will automatically translate into Diarrhoea-free India.
To read their entire manifesto online, please click here.