Environmental health

Polio’s last strongholds continue to cause issue; The latest health stories from around the world

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) has been struggling in Africa with large outbreaks spawned by the polio vaccine itself, which is made of live but weakened poliovirus. But the program at least had the wild virus on the run, driving down the cases it causes in its last strongholds, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Now, GPEI […]

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Example of an Ebola treatment unit

New data reveals Ebola vaccine reduces mortality by half; The latest health stories from around the world

There’s welcome news in the battle against the Ebola virus, an infectious disease that for years had almost no treatments or remedies.  Outbreaks of the deadly Ebola virus flare up in parts of Africa almost every year, and they’re vicious.  The virus kills about half the people it infects. But a new study published in The

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Measles on the rise in Europe; The latest health stories from around the world

The World Health Organization (WHO) said in December that its European region (which extends into parts of western and central Asia) saw an “alarming” increase in measles cases – from under 1,000 in 2022 to more than 30,000 last year. www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2024/02/08/1229540182/its-no-surprise-theres-a-global-measles-outbreak-but-the-numbers-are-staggering?  The WHO’s most recent global numbers, released in November, reveal that measles cases increased worldwide by 18%

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Fluoridation: public health advancement or potential problem? The latest health stories from around the world

A long-simmering scientific battle assumed a new life this week, as experts clashed in a San Francisco courtroom over whether the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should ban fluoridation of drinking water to protect foetuses and children from the risk of neurodevelopmental problems. https://www.science.org/content/article/does-fluoride-drinking-water-lower-iq-question-looms-large-court-battle?  The case, being heard in a federal district court, “is precedent setting,”

Fluoridation: public health advancement or potential problem? The latest health stories from around the world Read More »

Effect of Air Pollution as It Spikes to 100 Times Who Health Limit in NCR

India’s National Capital Region (NCR) is currently grappling with a dire environmental crisis as air pollution levels have surged to a staggering 100 times the recommended health limit set by the World Health Organization (WHO). This alarming situation has sparked widespread concern among residents and health experts alike, as the consequences of such extreme air

Effect of Air Pollution as It Spikes to 100 Times Who Health Limit in NCR Read More »

EU and US launch joint task force on global health threats; The latest health stories from around the world

The European Union and the United States have launched a new joint health task force to cooperate on cancer, global health threats and related supply chains and infrastructure, officials told a press conference last Wednesday. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/992081?ecd=wnl_edit_tpal&uac=398271FG&impID=5445031&faf=1 The task force was set up on the heels of a cooperation agreement signed in June last year to

EU and US launch joint task force on global health threats; The latest health stories from around the world Read More »

Melting ice, the source of the next pandemic?

The next pandemic may come not from bats or birds but from matter in melting ice, according to new data. www.theguardian.com/science/2022/oct/19/next-pandemic-may-come-from-melting-glaciers-new-data-shows? Genetic analysis of soil and lake sediments from Lake Hazen, the largest high Arctic freshwater lake in the world, suggests the risk of viral spill over – where a virus infects a new host

Melting ice, the source of the next pandemic? Read More »

Should air pollution be noted on death certificates?

Disease certificates note the direct cause of death, for example, heart disease or lung cancer, but rarely do they ever mention the underlying causes behind the death. Air pollution needs to be noted as a cause of death, writes Dr Sanjay Kulshrestha for News9Live. However, some dispute this claim. The article notes a study in

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Heatwaves may be lethal for those with hypertension

With the India Meteorological Department (IMD) reporting highs of almost fifty degrees Celsius over the weekend tensions are looming regarding heat related deaths. One key concern is the increased risk of complications in those living with hypertension. Heatwaves have seen highs of 49 degrees in Delhi, with neighbouring Gurugram in Haryana recorded 48.1 degrees Celsius,

Heatwaves may be lethal for those with hypertension Read More »